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Among the benefits of lemon, twice: its antibacterial power and for weight loss thanks to its digestive properties. The lemons contain citric acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C. bioflavones, pectin and limonene.

For the beneficiaries of all properties of water with lemon should be taken in fasting and with warm water and cold water is assimilated worse. With squeezing half a lemon in a glass of water will be enough to get all these results:

  • Improves our digestion.
  • Powerful diuretic.
  • Improves our immune system.
  • Regulation of PH levels.
  • Cleans the skin
  • It gives us energy and improves our mood.
  • They help us recover faster.
  • Refresh our breath.
  • Hydrate your lymphatic system.
  • Help to lose weight.