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Among the benefits it gives our body are:

  • Provides vitamin A, which helps us avoid dryness in the mucous membranes and skin.

  • Provides vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that prevents cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

  • It is very diuretic and acts as a mild laxative, so it eliminates toxins and helps neutralize acidity.

  • Prevents skin stains thanks to the elimination of toxins, since many of the stains are due to the manifestation of toxins that are inside our body.

  • Provides fiber and minerals, such as potassium, calcium and zinc.

  • Prevents gout, arthritis and levels high cholesterol.

  • It is composed of 90% water and provides very few calories.

This fruit is so effective detoxifying the organism that takes care of making cures. Eating only melon for 24 hours or eating melon for a week, you can cleanse the body, improve the appearance and health of the skin and reduce the nerves.

The melon is also used a lot in beauty treatments, since in addition to all these internal benefits, it produces several external ones. It is used in masks, creams or simply applying it machado and directly on the skin. Leaves skin hydrated, soft and toned, and helps prevent wrinkles.